Friday, September 11, 2015

Some Thoughts on MinneDemo21

Last night I attended MinneDemo21.     It was the 1st time I attended after several attempts.   I will be attending again, shame on me for not getting there earlier.  Several general reactions:
  1. There *is* cool stuff happening in my local community
  2. There are lots of energized, passionate individuals working on that cool stuff
  3. There are few (need to be more) "deep pockets" trying to encourage, nurture, and fund this so more cool stuff will be created locally.
  4. Shame on me for not being a little fish in this pond or doing more to connect deep pockets with the community.
In the spirit of doing my "little fish" thing to nurture and encourage, here are links to the companies that presented along with my twitter stream that captured my reaction in realtime.

The Presenters:

Want more?  Here are videos of each presentation posted to TECHdotMN

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