Thursday, January 23, 2014

Using the Outlook Addin for Evernote

My last post talked about how I frequently "Bcc" my Evernote mailbox. That doesn't mean I don't use the "Add To Evernote" Outlook Addin -- in fact I use it quite a bit as well. Don't have this addin? If you are running the Evernote Windows client, you already have the addin, all you need to do now is enable it. Here is the basic process for enabling the Evernote for Outlook addin.
  1. File
  2. Options
  3. Addins
  4. Manage "COM add-ins" turning the checkbox on
  5. OK

At this point the Evernote button should appear.  Your mileage may vary as discussion forums on this topic seem to be extensive.

Once you have this successfully working, you have two basic configuration options:
  • Do you want a the note creation dialog to appear?
  • Do you want the created note to appear as a New window?
Both of these are set within Evernote:
Tools -> Clipping Options (shown below). I prefer to see the creation dialog, but not the created note. Choose what works for you.

In my next post, I write about when I use "Bcc" vs the Add to Evernote Command Button

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