Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kanban It Is

Sometime ago, I posted that my team was using a "Wiki Version of a Kanban board".   We had been using this to track multiple code lines with status on builds, testing, and critical issues we had written up.    Re-reading that post now, I realized that a Kanban board would be for an individual release.   I had been using another Wiki page that was a Kanban page of sorts for over 5 years.    This allowed me to do *my* job during that tenure as it was exactly how *I* tracked the release.   As I showed more individuals, it became clear that not everyone thought like I did :-) 

I need a much simpler format (that actually looked like a Kanban board).   With the help of a colleague, we were able to quickly create a new Wiki page that actually is a Kanban board (pictured below).    There is no one that shows up at our daily stand up that is not able to understand "Considering", "Doing", and "Done".    This is  especially true of the release team -- they are much happier when they see everything in the "Done" column.