Sunday, September 29, 2013

Is Your Mind Open for the Ridiculous?

A few weeks back, some colleagues of mine went on a visit to a customer.    This customer runs many of our existing products.    One of those colleagues and I had been recently discussing how we notify customers of our changes.    I was describing very excitedly sharing my belief that what I had been doing was some cutting edge/forward thinking on this topic. I was trying to paint a vision, and while this person remembered the vision, they did not know that it was *vision* and mentioned it to the customer as fact.  I got an e-mail as the meeting was taking place.   I was dumb founded that this colleague could not differentiate between fact and fiction -- what a ridiculous thought!

Just as I was thinking how ridiculous the idea was, I suddenly thought of a related idea that was not ridiculous at all.    This idea  did not have a huge fact/fiction delta and is something that we could deliver to our customers in fairly short order.    I would never have come up with this idea unless my colleague had not suggested such a "Ridiculous" idea.   Are you ready for ridiculous?  If not, try and move from a "Fixed Mindset" to a "Growth Mindset".

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