Sunday, December 29, 2013

Clarity with No E-Mail -- Part II

For those of you that read my previous post, you might be interested in the ironic conclusion.   For those of that did not read it, the quick synopsis was that "John Q. Public" was not interested in e-mails, unless they were from his boss.   He was ready to strangle the person responsible (unless it was his boss) for sending him so much e-mail from JIRA.   Both his (and my) suspicion was that a JIRA template was created so that he was getting added to the watch list for all new JIRA issues that met a certain criteria.   

"John" decided to dig into it further, and when he found no template, he asked the authors of some of the JIRA issues he was not "interested in".    The "template" in question was text file that the individuals were instructed to add him to the watch list of *every* JIRA issue they wrote.   Who instructed them to did this?    None other than "Johns" boss. :-)

A better ending that an O. Henry story!

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